Tens of thousands of Oriental Medical Doctors, Acupuncturists and Massage Therapists use this tool! Maximize the effectiveness of treatment by releasing trigger points, disrupting adhesions, & reducing atrophy. It is also the perfect tool for self-treatment of sore neck, back, arms, legs, & body. Use it to treat carpal tunnel, muscle spasms, tennis elbow, and much more! Gua Sha Pen therapy has been practiced consistently for thousands of years. It is an effective Special Physical Therapy from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The gua sha practitioner exerts force on specific body parts or points with tools to treat disorders & stimulate subcutaneous peripheral nerves. This improves local circulation of blood and lymph fluid, speeds up the metabolism, promotes nutritional supply, regulates immune function through the nerve-endocrine-immunoregulation network. According to ancient oriental medical wisdom, jade heals stressed organs, discharges toxins, slows down cell aging, and strengthens the body's natural healing powers. Jade contains vital elements for the human body such as minerals, calcium, magnesium and water. In addition, jade transmits infrared rays in the same wavelength as the human body, and it is known to produce negative ions which encourage cell metabolism. These rays safely and gently heat your body's tissues and blood. Your blood vessels dilate and qi (energy) increases, which allows for increased circulation. This makes your blood cells move along faster which, removes toxins quicker, improves cell regeneration, increases liver and kidney filtration, and decreases blood pressure. The average size of the Jade Gua Sha Pen Tool is approximately 4.5" long x 7/16" thick and weighs approximately 1 oz. Colors may vary from very light green Jade to green Jade. See images for quality so you know you can buy with confidence. GET YOURS TODAY!