WHERE DOES BLUE LIGHT COME FROM? The primary sources of harmful indoor blue light are the TVs, smart phones, tablets and computers we use every day. WHAT ARE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE? There are three concerning threats from blue light: 1. Damage to Vision 2. Loss of Sleep 3. Glare HOW MUCH BLUE LIGHT SHOULD YOU FILTER? You should filter only as much as you need to reduce the threat. First look at how much time you spend in front of your devices at night and use the MPF rating that is most appropriate. WHY USE COMPUTER GLASSES? Based upon scientific studies, it is known that after 2 hours staring at the iPad late at night, there is a reduction in the rate of melatonin production by as much as 22%. Researchers have taken a scientific approach to solving the problem with blue light. After clearly identifying the problem and developing a patented system of measuring the effects of blue light on the body's production of hormones that promote sleep, time came for testing ways to solve the problem. Our computer glasses can not only filters out the harmful blue light at the lower end of the light spectrum but it allows the right light into our eyes that we need to effectively distinguish images and reduce glares. Our Anti-blue light lenses are superior to other lenses due to their ability to filter colors in proportion to their damage - thereby reducing the risks of macular degeneration and cataracts - while still providing excellent color perception.